W.P. 3 deliverables (final processing)
- Investigation procedure – Sample analysis
Ιn the deliverable no. “1. Investigation procedure – Sample analysis” the identity of the survey is analyzed, the manner of publication and the promotion of the questionnaire and findings as well of the sample. The demographic data of the sample, on which the survey was conducted, are presented. It was carried out bibliographic research of the current international and Greek scientific literature. Scientific journals and European and international legal texts were used.
- Developing questionnaires
In the deliverable no. “2. Developing questionnaires” the numbering of the questionnaires is analyzed, and the open-ended questions or personalized questions are categorized to make the results of the researcher clearer.
- Carrying out analysis of data from social networks and comparison with the results of the responses set out through questionnaire
In the deliverable no. “3. Carrying out analysis of data from social networks and comparison with the results of the responses set out through questionnaire” the results of the survey are correlated to the data gathered from social networks.
- Survey results – statistical and quantitative processing – contemporary assessments
In the deliverable no. “4. Survey results – statistical and quantitative processing – contemporary assessments” the outcomes of the survey are presented along with their statistical, quantitative and qualitative analysis with current estimates and diagram presentations. It was carried out bibliographic research of the current international and Greek scientific literature. Scientific journals and European and international legal texts were used.
- Anti – Crime Policy: de lege ferenda crime prevention legislative regulations and security measures for the protection of users from the false news in digital systems and the Internet
In the deliverable no. “5. Anti – Crime Policy: de lege ferenda crime prevention legislative regulations and security measures for the protection of users from the false news in digital systems and the Internet” the results of the survey in correlation to the survey hypotheses (as formulated and analyzed in the W.P. 2 of the project) and the conclusions from the survey at the level of anti-crime policy and de lege ferenda are analyzed.
- Website publishing of the outcome
As part of the dissemination of the project, the website www.fakenewscrime.gr has already been developed and published, which presents all the completed deliverable texts and the activities that have taken place for the implementation of the project.
- Published scientific articles on the subject
Scientific articles have been published for all three Working Packages of the project.
In the W.P. 1
–published by the scientific coordinator scientific article entitled “The spread of false news in the era of ” fake news “- Analysis of Article 191 of the Penal Code facing modern (technological) challenges” in vol. 3/2019 of the scientific journal “Criminal Justice” (ed. Law Library), p. 288, after approval by the scientific committee of the journal (reviewers). In this article, the provision of a. 191 PC (objective substance, subjective substance, protected legal property, special reference on social media, case law, criticism regarding the necessity and legitimacy of criminal treatment, de lege ferenda, etc.) is analyzed for the first time after many years in the Greek legal literature.
Fulfilled research objectives:
– “Assessment of the criminal act of disseminating false news on social media: legal right infringed – matters of necessity and legitimacy of criminal treatment “
– “review of relevant foreign legislation”
– “modern criminological profiling of the offenders: causative factors, ideological origins, motivations, objectives, modus operandi and commentary of current Greek legal provision “
– “approach of Community law from the perspective of de lege ferenda anti-crime policy”
– published by the scientific coordinator scientific article entitled “The spread of false news in the era of ” fake news “- Analysis of the article 191 PC facing current (technological) challenges” in volume 8 of the scientific journal “CrimeTimes” of the Study Center of Crime (url: http://www.crimetimes.gr/%ce%b7-%ce%b4%ce%b9%ce%b1%cf%83%cf%80%ce%bf%cf%81%ce % ac-% cf% 88% ce% b5% cf% 85% ce% b4% cf% 8e% ce% bd-% ce% b5% ce% b9% ce% b4% ce% ae% cf% 83% ce % b5% cf% 89% ce% bd-% cf% 83% cf% 84% ce% b7% ce% bd-% ce% b5% cf% 80% ce% bf% cf% 87% ce% ae / – accessed on 01.07.2019).
Fulfilled research objectives:
– “Assessment of the criminal act of disseminating false news on social media: legal right infringed – matters of necessity and legitimacy of criminal treatment”
– “modern criminological profiling of the offenders: causative factors, ideological origins, motivations, objectives, modus operandi and commentary of current Greek legal provision “
– “approach of Community law from the perspective of de lege ferenda anti-crime policy”
– published by the scientific coordinator scientific article entitled “Fake news, slander and voter fraud. Legal treatment in criminal law “, especially regarding the analysis of Article 162 of the Penal Code on the informative website www.dikastiko.gr, in view of the topicality of the issue due to the upcoming parliamentary elections (publication date 04.07.2019) (url: https : //www.dikastiko.gr/%ce%b1%ce%bd%ce%b1%ce%bb%cf%85%cf%83%ce%b7/%ce%b4%cf%81-%cf% 86% cf% 8e% cf% 84% ce% b9% ce% bf% cf% 82-% cf% 83% cf% 80% cf% 85% cf% 81% cf% 8c% cf% 80% ce% bf % cf% 85% ce% bb% ce% bf% cf% 82-% cf% 88% ce% b5% cf% 85% ce% b4% ce% b5% ce% af% cf% 82-% ce% b5 % ce% b9% ce% b4% ce% ae% cf% 83% ce% b5 / – accessed on 11.07.2019).
Fulfilled research objectives:
– “Assessment of the criminal act of disseminating false news on social media: legal right infringed – matters of necessity and legitimacy of criminal treatment”
– “modern criminological profiling of the offenders: causative factors, ideological origins, motivations, objectives, modus operandi and commentary of current Greek legal provision “
– “approach of Community law from the perspective of de lege ferenda anti-crime policy”
In the W.P. 2
– Scientific article by the scientific coordinator entitled: “The spread of fake news – (Reflections on the practices and limits of preventing misinformation on the Internet “, published in the 2019 issue of the scientific journal” Criminology ” (published by the Law Library), p. 57. After approval by the scientific committee of the journal (reviewers).
Measures and practices are highlighted to prevent misinformation and the spread of false news. The reasons that make this approach relevant and imperative are also set out. For this reason, the nature of modern “digital” information societies is considered, the special features of information systems (field of development and asymmetric dispersion of fake news) as well as the limits / barriers related to prevention of interventions in general (protection of unrivaled rights, shifting crime, difficulty of constantly informing legislators about developments, etc.). The analysis includes forms of prevention at the criminal general prevention level as well as social and occasional prevention from a criminological point of view. Finally, there is a critical approach to prevention practices. All the above elements are used for the survey design and survey hypotheses, for the preparation of the questionnaire and in presentations and lectures at conferences abroad. The above analyzes take place for the first time in the Greek legal and criminological literature.
Fulfilled research objectives:
– planning of a descriptive / explanatory research and evaluation / valuation research with primary data on a feasibility sample (users of social media) (research to be conducted in W.P. 3
–planning of research hypotheses concerning the opinion and behavior of users of social media, assessment of current legislation and proposals of crime – prevention institutions and practices
– development of a relevant questionnaire (for the W.P. 3 Research)
– participation in Greek and foreign conferences on the subject
– Scientific article by the scientific coordinator entitled: “The fight against fake news, hoaxes and misinformation on the Internet at European and international level”, published in volume 10 (October 2019) of the scientific journal “CrimeTimes” Of the Crime Study Center.
The elements of this article are used in the context of survey planning and survey hypotheses, in the preparation of the questionnaire and in presentations and lectures at conferences abroad. The above analyses take place for the first time in the Greek legal and criminological literature.
Fulfilled research objectives:
– planning of a descriptive / explanatory research and evaluation / valuation research with primary data on a feasibility sample (users of social media) (research to be conducted in W.P. 3
–planning of research hypotheses concerning the opinion and behavior of users of social media, assessment of current legislation and proposals of crime – prevention institutions and practices
– development of a relevant questionnaire (for the W.P. 3 Research)
– participation in Greek and foreign conferences on the subject
– Article of the scientific coordinator on the informative website slpress.gr entitled “Fake news in the coronavirus era”, published on April 4, 2020 (url: https://slpress.gr/old/koinonia/fake-news-stin-epochi -toy-koronoioy /)
Fulfilled research objectives:
–planning of research hypotheses concerning the opinion and behavior of users of social media, assessment of current legislation and proposals of crime – prevention institutions and practices
In the W.P. 3
– Scientific article of the scientific coordinator entitled: “Fake news, slander and deception of voters – the legal treatment in criminal law “, in the Honorary Volume for Professor Giannis Panousis “Criminology: A lightning rod?”, Published by I. Sideris, March 2020, p. 515.
– Scientific article of the scientific coordinator entitled: “The spread of fake news – (Reflections on the practices, limits and examples of the prevention of misinformation on the Internet “, published in the 2019 issue of the scientific of the journal “Criminology” (published by the Law Library), p. 195, after approval by the scientific committee of the journal (reviewers).
– Scientific article of the scientific coordinator entitled: “Dissemination of false news – Analytical approach of art. 191 PC after law 4619/2020”, published in the scientific journal of the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki “Information Law Review – Information Law Journal “, T. 1 (2021), E-ISSN: 2732-6004, url: http://ejournals.lib.auth.gr/infolawj/
With the deliverable no. 7 of W.P. 3 it is also fulfilled the dissemination of the outcomes regarding the publication of scientific articles in journals and reputable websites as well as in the press. This reference is made at this point to avoid unnecessary duplication of W.P. 3 project activities.