1.  The research methodology

In the deliverable no. 1. The research methodology” the purpose of the research, the identity of the research, the forms and nature of research (exploratory, explanatory, descriptive and evaluation research), survey sampling, data collection and processing, research method and techniques (preparation, communication and completion of questionnaires and formulation of questions) and a combination of qualitative and qualitative research are presented. In addition, the research team is presented. Important in this deliverable is the analysis of its problematic of the internet as a research tool and the limitations of the research as well. Contemporary and original bibliographical research has been conducted in international and Greek scientific literature and journals for the writing of this text, and European and international legal texts and other elements have been used.

Fulfilled research objectives:

  • planning of a descriptive / explanatory research and evaluation / valuation research with primary data on a feasibility sample (users of social media) (research to be conducted in W.P. 3)
  • development of a relevant questionnaire (for the W.P. 3 Research)

2. Planning of research hypotheses regarding the opinion and behavior of users of social media

In the text to be delivered no. 2. Planning of research hypotheses regarding the opinion and behavior of users of social media” the following research hypotheses are formulated and analyzed:

      1. The spread of false news (fake news, hoaxes) through the internet

– The features of identifying false news by users

– The proliferation of online dissemination opportunities and ways of scattering as a characteristic of false news

      2. Victimization of Internet Users

Financial loss and / or economic benefit?

      3. Monitoring the general effectiveness of Greek criminal law and de lege ferenda proposals for modern law enforcement

4. Alternative ways to prevent and deal with the spread of fake news

Modern and original bibliographical research in international and Greek scientific literature and scientific journals has been carried out for the writing of this text and the formulation of research hypotheses, as well as European and international legal texts and other elements.

Fulfilled research objectives:

  • planning of a descriptive / explanatory research and evaluation / valuation research with primary data on a feasibility sample (users of social media) (research to be conducted in W.P. 3)
  • planning of research hypotheses concerning the opinion and behavior of users of social media, assessment of current legislation and proposals of crime – prevention institutions and practices

3.  Questionnaire on the abovementioned assumptions

In this deliverable no. 3. Questionnaire on the abovementioned assumptions”  the cover letter and information letter are initially presented, which is an introduction to the questionnaire and is addressed to the participants by the research team. The questionnaire questions are then presented along with the answers available in the case of closed-ended questions. The third section of the text presents a breakdown of the questionnaire questions.

For the writing of this text and the preparation of the questionnaire contemporary and original bibliographic research has been carried out in international and Greek scientific literature and journals, European and international legal texts and other elements have been used, especially all the data collected so far during the implementation of the research project.

Fulfilled research objectives:

  • planning of a descriptive / explanatory research and evaluation / valuation research with primary data on a feasibility sample (users of social media) (research to be conducted in W.P. 3)
  • planning of research hypotheses concerning the opinion and behavior of users of social media, assessment of current legislation and proposals of crime – prevention institutions and practices
  • development of a relevant questionnaire (for the W.P. 3 Research)

 4. Implementation of the pilot survey – Analysis of problems encountered

In this deliverable no. 4. Implementation of the pilot survey – Analysis of problems encountered”  first, a theoretical approach to the concept of pilot research is carried out (definition, target, advantages and forms of pilot research, questionnaire and results, differences of pilot research from main research).

In the second part, a semi-structured interview with Thanos Sitistas (representative of the fact-checkers ellinikahoaxes team) is presented and analyzed as part of the research process. Part of this semi-structured interview was also presented at the lectures by the scientific coordinator at the Hochschule der Medien in January 2020.

The third part of the text presents the pilot research that took place in the context of the research project and the corresponding observations that came up (general observations, observations on the questionnaire cover letter, observations on the questionnaire and specific questionnaire questions, technical comments on the draft questionnaire). The research results of the pilot survey sample and their related observations are also presented. Finally, in the context of the evaluation of the pilot survey, proposals are made to utilize it in the context of the main survey.

Fulfilled research objectives:

  • planning of a descriptive / explanatory research and evaluation / valuation research with primary data on a feasibility sample (users of social media) (research to be conducted in W.P. 3)
  • planning of research hypotheses concerning the opinion and behavior of users of social media, assessment of current legislation and proposals of crime – prevention institutions and practices
  • development of a relevant questionnaire (for the W.P. 3 Research)
  • participation in Greek and foreign conferences on the subject

5. Carrying out data analysis of social networks

In this deliverable text no. 5. Carrying out data analysis on social networks”, first, a theoretical approach is taken to the issues of social networks and social media in terms of terminology and operational issues of these services. Moreover, the development of the concept of social networks in theoretical scientific thought is discussed, with reference to relevant sociological approaches, and the development and application of social network analysis as well as specific forms of data dissemination and processing in social networks. Subsequently, special reference is made to social influence theory in social networks and fields of study, forms, methods and data analysis tools in social networks.

Finally, after special communication with the twitter social network and special authorization, twitter data is used in 3 case studies related to sentiment analysis and the creation of an ego-centric graph-network, where graph measures and graph node statistics are calculated.

These findings illustrate the role of social networks in disseminating misinformation and influence the design of process-level research, research hypotheses and questionnaires.

Fulfilled research objectives:

  • planning of a descriptive / explanatory research and evaluation / valuation research with primary data on a feasibility sample (users of social media) (research to be conducted in W.P. 3)
  • planning of research hypotheses concerning the opinion and behavior of users of social media, assessment of current legislation and proposals of crime – prevention institutions and practices
  • development of a relevant questionnaire (for the W.P. 3 Research)