Title: The dissemination of false news on social media –a criminal assessment and a criminological and technological approach

Duration: 12 months

Description of work:

In W.P. 1 modern and original bibliographical research in Greek and international scientific bibliography and journals will be conducted. Also, European and international legal texts, statistics and other information will be used. The objectives are:

assessment of the criminal act of disseminating false news on social media: legal right infringed – matters of necessity and legitimacy of criminal treatment

modern criminological profiling of the offenders: causative factors, ideological origins, motivations, objectives, modus operandi and commentary of current Greek legal provision

review of relevant foreign legislation

approach of Community law from the perspective of de lege ferenda anti-crime policy

creation, dissemination and detecting hoaxes technologies and practices

participation in Greek and foreign conferences on the subject


Scientific articles concerning:

  1. Criminological aspect of the act of disseminating false news on social media (in Greek)
  2. Dissemination of false information and hoaxes in criminal law (in Greek)
  3. The provision of the article 191 of the Greek Criminal Code – effectiveness and challenges (in Greek)
  4. Hoaxes in Community and international legal instruments (in Greek)
  5. Annex with Community, European and international legal instruments and other items used in the preparation of W.P. 1 (in Greek)