1.  Criminological aspect of the act of disseminating false news on social media (in Greek)

Fulfilled research objectives:

  • “Assessment of the criminal act of disseminating false news on social media: legal right infringed – matters of necessity and legitimacy of criminal treatment”
  • “Modern criminological profiling of the offenders: causative factors, ideological origins, motivations, objectives, modus operandi and commentary of current Greek legal provision”
  • “Approach of Community law from the perspective of de lege ferenda anti-crime policy”

2.  Dissemination of false information and hoaxes in criminal law (in Greek)

Fulfilled research objectives:

  • “Assessment of the criminal act of disseminating false news on social media: legal right infringed – matters of necessity and legitimacy of criminal treatment”
  • “Overview of relevant foreign legislation”
  • “Modern criminological profiling of the offenders: causative factors, ideological origins, motivations, objectives, modus operandi and commentary of current Greek legal provision”

3.  The provision of the article 191 of the Greek Criminal Code – effectiveness and challenges (in Greek)

Fulfilled research objectives:

  • “Assessment of the criminal act of disseminating false news on social media: legal right infringed – matters of necessity and legitimacy of criminal treatment”
  • “Review of relevant foreign legislation”
  • “Modern criminological profiling of the offenders: causative factors, ideological origins, motivations, objectives, modus operandi and commentary of current Greek legal provision”
  • “Approach of Community law from the perspective of de lege ferenda anti-crime policy”

4.  Hoaxes in Community and international legal instruments (in Greek)

Fulfilled research objectives:

  • “Assessment of the criminal act of disseminating false news on social media: legal right infringed – matters of necessity and legitimacy of criminal treatment”
  • “Overview of relevant foreign legislation”
  • “Approach of Community law from the perspective of de lege ferenda anti-crime policy”

5.  Annex with Community, European and international legal instruments and other items used in the preparation of WP1 (in Greek)

Fulfilled research objectives:

  • “Overview of relevant foreign legislation”
  • “Approach of Community law from the perspective of de lege ferenda anti-crime policy”